By Rab Bruce’s Spider

It is easy, and tempting, to say, "We told you so" but this is not the time. Many people who voted No in the Scottish IndieRef had reasons for doing so but, with the Brexit result having shattered the last of Better Together’s lies, the only real reason anyone can have for opposing Scottish independence is that they are imbued with such deep-rooted British Nationalism that nothing will change their minds.

For those who are now willing to switch sides, it is incumbent on those of us in the Yes movement to welcome them aboard. What happened in 2014 is in the past and both Scotland and the UK are very different places now. We need to face the future together. After all, what we want is to build a fairer, progressive, inclusive, outward-looking and peaceful society which, quite frankly, the UK cannot provide.

Switching to Yes is easy. The only criterion is that you have decided to make your home in Scotland and want to contribute to our nation’s prosperity. Your ethnic or religious background does not matter. Nor does your political affiliation. The SNP may be the de facto political arm of the Yes movement but the campaign was always much wider than the SNP. Indeed, in a post-Indie Scotland it will be essential that our Parliament contains a variety of views. But that is still some way in the future. What we need to do now is gather support for a Yes vote in the next IndieRef, whenever that may take place.

So if you know someone who voted NO but who has changed their minds, offer them a smile, a handshake or a hug and let’s work together to make this happen.

The Yes campaign is famous for hijacking its opponents’ slogans and now we have a chance to completely reverse the meaning of "Better Together".