By Rab Bruce’s Spider

I see SNP Councillor Rhiannon Spear has been reported to the Police for a comment made on anti-social media after the Eurovision Song Contest. Now, I’m no fan of Ms Spear, and her Tweet did seem to be rather ill-advised coming from an official representative of the governing Party in Scotland. However, whether it can really be said to be a hateful comment is debatable. She certainly used the word "Hate", but she was clearly referring to the UK as a constitutional entity and, to be fair, an awful lot of Scots are opposed to being part of that entity. Perhaps it was that she said she hated the UK. Is the use of that word to be forced out of everyday speech now? Most young kids hate vegetables, and I will admit to hating dogs, but I do hope that won’t get me into bother with the RSPCA. Is an admission of hate sufficient to have someone report me to the Police?

On the other hand, I am sure that if a Tory Councillor had posted a Tweet declaring that a lot of Tories hate Scotland, a great many Yessers would have been howling for the Police to do something. Perhaps everyone needs to calm down a bit.

As for the event which sparked the controversy, I did not watch the Eurovision Song Contest. In fact, I haven’t watched it for years, principally because I don’t like the sort of formulaic pop music it normally produces. The only exciting part of the show used to be the voting, and that has become so politicised it is a travesty.

It is no real surprise that the UK attracted the infamous "Null Points" but from all accounts that was partly because it was not a good song. Going by Eurovision standards, that must mean it was really dire. However, I don’t think we can ignore the Brexit issue because if you spend years insulting your neighbours, you can hardly be surprised if they treat you as a pariah.

Naturally, the Brexiteer response was to chide the ungrateful foreigners who are only free because of the British war efforts. Remember the war? That thing that happened over 75 years ago and for which the whole of Europe must apparently be grateful to the UK for? Not only is this argument old hat, it is also inaccurate, since more than half of the countries of Europe were liberated from Nazi control by Russia – which immediately placed them under Soviet control. The UK had nothing to do with their current status as independent nations. And yet they are supposed to be grateful to the UK and so give votes to UK songs? As Mr Spock would say, "That is illogical, Captain".

As far as I am concerned, the Eurovision Song Contest is an irrelevance. The only thing that may tempt me to watch it in future is if Scotland is represented as an independent country with our own song. Wouldn’t you just love to see the Proclaimers win it for us?