by Rab Bruce’s Spider

With things happening so fast in UK politics, who knows what is going to happen next? There is, though, one thing we can be sure of, and that is that the UK is well on the road to becoming a fascist state. George Orwell was right when he said fascism would not come marching down British High Streets but would be a more insidious enemy. Step by step, the centre of UK politics has drifted further and further to the right. You may think referring to this as fascist is too strong, but if you read Umberto Eco’s list of fourteen features of fascism, you will hopefully be horrified at how many of them are evident in the UK today. You can check out this list at:

Once fascists gain full control, it is very difficult to wrest power away from them, so it is vital that we use our votes when we get the chance. To be honest, I’m not hopeful that a UK General Election will solve anything, as polling suggests the Tories still have more support than the other Parties when viewed on a UK-wide basis. Scotland may be able to present a different outlook, but examples from places like the USA, Turkey and Hungary show that extreme right wing views are very popular with an awful lot of people. (Yes, you can read that last bit two ways).

We can but hope that IndyRef2 happens soon and that, this time, a majority of scots will recognise we are better off running our own affairs than being controlled by Westminster. Some people erroneously refer to WM as the Mother of All Parliaments. It’s certainly the mother of all somethings, but it’s not a good example of how to run a country. Other nations must be looking on and thinking, "That’s how not to do it."